Sunday, April 15, 2012

So tired

I have to have a knitting project going to all times.  Its weird, but it helps me feel sane.  Tonight I really didn't want to knit at all.  I haven't been sleeping well and then add onto that my son isn't either.  So, needless to say I have been somewhat of a walking zombie during the day.  However, no matter how tired I was and still am (my eyes are almost forcing themselves shut at this very moment) I was able to start my new project, since I finished my previous on yesterday (yay!) and knit a few rows. 

I am starting to make a hood.  I haven't decided yet whether I am going to attach it to a scarf or something more.  It will be my first one ever and I am excited to see if the pattern I made up in my head matches what will come out. 

Tomorrow I am having to go meet up with a counselor at the local college.  My parents would very much like me to finish school and have a degree.  I see their logic.  I just wish that the college in town would have the same program a college an hour out has.  This college an hour away has this program that allows you to get a degree in fiber arts.  Yea how freaking cool is that.  I would very much like go there, but driving an hour each way is not a possibility at the moment.  Oh well.  I am siging off before I pass out.  Happy travels and happy knitting.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Finishing touches

I was putting finishing touches on a piece I had made several days ago and I always fret over whether my knots will hold.  Or if the person who is going to use it will give it one good yank and the whole thing will come unraveled. 
This can almost relate to anything, even life.  If we find a thing out of place in our lives or a metaphorical string and pull it what do we think is going to happen?  Of course it will unravel no matter whether it is a piece of yarn or a unravelling relationship.  So, the best I can do it hope the knot holds and move on to the next project.
The next project that I am in the middle of making is a black poodle wine cover.  I have already made one in white, but I am hoping the one in black will look better.  Plus, it is a nice change from the sweaters, hats, hat scarf, and etc that I have been making the past few projects.
I haven't been knitting as much as I would like to the past few days.  Due to good weather I have been wokring out in the garden intensively.  This over use of my hands has pinched some nerves or something, because if I knit for too long my left hand will start to go numb.  I have had this happen before when I was pregnant with my son, however after I had him the problem seemed to go away.  I hate it when this happens, because so much of what I do involves my hands.  My hobbies, my job, my life haha. 
Oh well here is to wrist braces and exercises!  How I loathe them and need them at the same time. 

Happy knitting!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

First Blog Entry

Hooray for first blog entries! 

This blog is dedicated to my obsession with knitting.  I love knitting, it is my creative outlet.  Whether I am mad, sad, happy, bored, lonely, or any other emotion to be thought up I knit. 

I was taught how to knit at an early age by my mom.  I would knit on and off until around the age 19.  I had just left college and was in the process of getting my cosmetology degree, when I realized that I was good at creating things with my hands.  Whether it be a hairstyle or a scarf.  Which is where I started.  I knitted scarves and blankets, what I call safe squares that you can't really mess up.

My first knitting book that got me to start trying to knit something other than scarves and etc was, "Last minute knitted gifts" by: Joelle Hoverson.  Great book by the way and lots of fun gifts to make!  After I got that book I was hooked....for life.

So, this blog is where I am going to talk about what I am working on, frustrations I am running into, how my buisness on etsy is going (Charming Knits look me up!), and life.